If your case simply requires the time necessary for evaluating your damages and negotiating a settlement, you want to know that your insurance attorney is moving forward as quickly and efficiently as possible toward a satisfactory resolution of the matter and a settlement of your claim.
However, some cases require they go to trial in order to obtain the justice you deserve. Litigation can be a time consuming process,with the payoff coming many months or even years away. To speed the process along, the judge, the adverse party, you and your lawyer are all required to do their parts.
Attorney at Law Mr. Sapourn has run several customer-oriented businesses in his career. He knows the value of prompt and personal attention to his clients. He promises to move the settlement or trial process along to the degree he has control of schedules and timelines. He will communicate with you on a regular basis to be certain you are helping him by providing him with needed disclosures and information, and to keep you informed about the progress of your case.
With Florida Insurance Attorney Mr. Sapourn, your case is always on the “front burner”.