Insurance Documentation Specialist

The quality of an agency’s Documentation speaks volumes about its business practices. Sloppy, incomplete and inconsistent file documentation is a plaintiff attorney’s dream. By contrast, well-organized, well-documented files can be used to support the agency’s legal position in a he-said; she-said courtroom encounter.

Emphasis on quality documentation should be an agency mantra. Anyone looking through a client file should easily be able to understand the history of transactions, discussions and decisions contained in the following items:

  • Phone logs
  • Email
  • Risk exposure questionnaires
  • Proposals and quotes
  • Policies
  • Client correspondence
  • Company correspondence
  • Voicemail transcripts

If your agency documentation is lacking in any of these areas we, as Documentation Specialists, can help. As part of the Agency E&O Audit process our specialists will review a sampling of your customer files. We will make recommendations and provide examples of ways you can improve. Consistent, complete documentation can act like a shield protecting you from the slings and arrows of litigation.

We feel that it is essential to have a Documentation Specialist review your file documentation if you have any doubts about the organization of your files. A specialist will look for loopholes that may sideline you during a trial. Don’t let sloppy documentation be the hole in your case – contact Michael Sapourn today.

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