General Liability – Insurance Contracts

Agents who assume the duty to advise their clients about Commercial General Liability insurance are required to have a thorough understanding of the scope of this coverage and its many contractual limitations and exclusions. “General” implies blanket-type coverage. In fact, the policy is focused on covering the tort liability exposures presented by the customer’s business premises, his operations and products. Separate coverage is written to protect against litigation arising from the use of vehicles and delivery of cargo, pollution exposures, professional malpractice, employee injury and shareholder actions against directors and officers. In addition, the application of complex coverage limits can be confusing.

We can help you analyze the issues presented in cases involving this coverage.

Our expertise in Commercial General Liability includes:

  • Coverage coordination with:
    • Workers Compensation
    • Auto Liability
    • Commercial Umbrella Liability
  • Contractual liability issues
  • Third party action over
  • Product (and Completed Operations) Liability
  • Hold harmless and indemnity agreements
  • Professional Error and Omission exclusions
  • Pollution Liability exclusions
  • Occurrence vs. Claim made forms
  • Defense Cost inside/outside limits
  • Classification issues
  • Premium Audits

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