Insurance Agent Errors and Omissions

Mr. Sapourn assists both plaintiff and defense counsel with analysis of case issues. Agents are held to a certain standard of professional care with regard to their dealings with customers. Those dealings include cases involving failure to procure the coverage a client requested. In addition, when an agent assumes the duty to advise the customer, he may find himself litigating these issues:

  • Failure to recommend needed or required coverage
  • Failure to explain coverage limitations and offer solutions
  • Failure to periodically review and update coverage as conditions change
  • Failure to conduct proper due diligence on co-brokers
  • Failure to make prompt payment of premiums tendered to companies
  • Failure to investigate a company’s financial condition prior to placing or renewing coverage
  • Failure to give proper notice of cancellations or non-renewals
  • Issuing inaccurate Certificates of Insurance
  • Bad Faith Dealings

Agents are also expected to meet the standard of care in their dealings with companies. Those dealings include cases involving:

  • Failure to know or follow Underwriting Guidelines
  • Exceeding the Agent’s Binding Authority with a particular company
  • Material misrepresentations to companies which result in coverage denials
  • Failure to report claims promptly and accurately

Mr. Sapourn has 23 years of practical experience in all these areas of agency conduct. His assistance with strategy and his capable testimony in support of counsel’s position can often be quite compelling.

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